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Article: Things to Remember While Placing Your Buddha Statues

Things to Remember While Placing Your Buddha Statues

Things to Remember While Placing Your Buddha Statues

Buddha stands for peace and serenity and placing a Buddha statue in the home adds a calm and peaceful element to interiors. With Buddha Statues fast becoming a lovely décor accessory, it is imperative to keep a few things in mind when placing Buddhist statues in homes. When designing your house or space, you can place the statue to bring chi or positive energy into a room. Here we have highlighted a few tips that will help you get the best benefits of placing a Buddha Statue in your home. 

Living Room- Placing the Buddha Statue on a wooden altar in the living room help in creating a serene and peaceful ambiance. When placing this statue, ensure that it faces the front door. 

Entrance Door- Place the Buddha statue such that it faces the entrance door. According to Feng Shui, it helps to attract chi or positive energy into the house while repelling negative energy out of the house. Set it on a high cabinet or a table which must be at least 2 ½ feet high from the floor. 

Academic Goals- Place a Buddha Statue in the study room of your child and watch him achieve academic goals. Placing the statue in the room where he studies or on the desk where he works brings a lot of positive energy. 

Home Office- If you work from home, place a small, serene-looking Buddha statue in your workspace which will attract a lot of positive energy bringing immense prosperity and success in business. 

Garden- Verdant lawns and gardens are meant for enjoying peace, calm, and serenity and perfect for relaxation. Create a lovely green corner in the garden and place a Buddha statue that will add a soothing feel to the area. Look for a reclining or meditating Buddha that will bring you inner peace. 

Meditation- Place a Buddha statue in the room where you meditate. The presence of this statue on a table or an altar will bring a lot of calming and positive energies which will help you focus and meditate. 

Keeping these tips in mind can help you make the most of the positive energies that will pervade your home with the presence of a Buddha statue.

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